Spirit of Prophecy Department




The department of Spirit of Prophecy is an emergence of divine inspiration, which seeks to perform its role in      educating the church family of the Whitehall Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church in authentic interpretation,  hence lies in such verses as:


Isaiah 28:10- For percept must be upon precepts…line upon line… Here a little, there a little

  2 Peter 1:20- Knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation


Whereas God’s last day messenger, an in this case of prophetess, his church guided by verse such as:         


Isaiah 8:20- To the law and to the testimonies, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no                          light in them

  Revelations 19:10- And I fell at His feet to worship… worship God, for the testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy.

 God has related His prophetic interpretation to this last day generation through His chosen servant Ellen G. White author of all Spirit of Prophecy materials.


A friend of mine said to me back in the early years of the 1970’s, “if another set of Spirit of Prophecy writers (prophets/ prophetess) should arise he/she would be… decades late; there would be many question marks.” This department seeks to motivate, sensitize and inspire the body of believers to study, live and share such holy truth with other souls who are existing in ignorance and are hungering and thirsting for the word of life.


If indeed we are renewed by the Holy Spirit, then that same Spirit will lead us to help others to discover the source of renewal.